Why Cheap Wine Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Bad Wine

Why Cheap Wine Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Bad Wine

Have you ever been out with family or clients and been asked to order a bottle of wine for the table?

The sommelier hands you the wine list–which looks more like a phone book–you panic and inevitably order a very expensive bottle because you think that will impress your guests.



Just because a bottle of wine is expensive, that doesn’t mean it’s the best…or even good!

Ordering wine properly is certainly an acquired skill. And while there’s tons of information out there to help you make a smart choice, it takes time to educate yourself. And in the interest of saving employees time, many companies, including Microsoft, MetLife and Merrill Lynch, are actually hiring trained sommeliers to help their employees make good wine selections when dining out with clients. (And let’s face it, it saves a company money if employees stop ordering the most expensive bottle of wine on the company dime).

Why Cheap Wine Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Bad Wine – Laurie Foster The Wine Coach on Fox News