Author: thewinecoach

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This full-bodied imperial stout pours an opaque mahogany color with a tan head. Its smell is dominated by notes of roasted coffee beans, with a slight hint of chocolate, but Simcoe and Fuggles hops add complexity to the aroma. ...

Winemaker's Notes:In the early 1990ā€™s, Castelmaure began experimenting with a Prestige CuvĆ©e of CorbiĆØres.Ā  This wine has become known as ā€œGrande CuvĆ©eā€ and is made with theĀ help of the winemaking team of Tardieu-Laurent. ...

We learned where we can outsmart any wine list! ...

Laurie interviewed Rick Dempsey, former Oriole and 1983 World Series MVP. ...

Laurie updated us on upcoming events and how to win tickets to meet the Neely's! ...

The Chefs talked about their restaurant that specializes in wild and exotic game. ...

Misty Talked about bringing wine in a can onto airplanes. ...

Mario told us all about the new trend of wine in a can. ...

"When one glass is not enough-and a bottle is too much". Mario Lichtenstein from the Friends Beverage Group Board of Directors tells us all about their new offering to the world of wine--wine in a can! You'll soon see their cans of wine on a...