Thank You For Registering! There’s Just One More Step…

wine coach 6858-cmpThanks so much for registering and for joining The Wine Coach® community…I look forward to sharing my love of wine with you! In order to do that, there’s just one more, simple step you need to take.

Anti-spam laws require that we ask you to click an opt-in link so that we know for absolute certain that you do want to receive messages from The Wine Coach®. This is quick and easy, I promise!

Please check your email box for a message from me with the subject:
[The Wine Coach] – Confirm Your Subscription

There will be a link in the email and it simply needs to be clicked. That’s all there is to it!

Thanks, again, for joining…I can’t wait to share some great wines with you.





Laurie Forster, The Wine Coach®
Easton, MD 21601

Phone: 410-820-4212


Photograph © Paragon Light Photography